
Helping Your Husband Cope with General Anxiety Disorder

Many couples are challenged with the occurrence of general anxiety disorder. This is particularly hard for wives with husbands at the raw end of the deal. Sometimes the perceived machismo gets in the way of help to cope with GAD. That is why some wives often give up the fight to help their husbands. Yet, in this crucial time the suffering husband needs all the help he can get. There is a better way of helping your husband get over with GAD, read on to find out.

Set specific goals

 One of the greatest challenges of couples is the inability of the husband to go to work. This is a great cause of concern as it may strain the finances of the family. It may come to a point that the wife will become a sole breadwinner. If this happens it is important that the wife is able to understand where the husband is coming from by learning about the disorder. Encourage the husband to live a normal life and through specific goals that can be achieved a step at a time you can help bring back some normalcy to your husband. It takes some time but you will get there.

 Approach with caution

 Most of the therapies on GAD are couple or family-based. It means that the solutions to address the general anxiety disorder lies on the active participation of the significant other or the rest of the family. Never let him feel inadequate and approach the therapy as instructed by the mental health professional. This will make him feel that there is something being done to help him cope with the challenges of the disorder. As a wife and mother, you also have the obligation to keep all the other members of the family well-informed about your husband's condition. This way, everybody can work towards making your husband feel respected and loved despite the condition that he is currently battling with.

(visit : Education Is A Powerful Weapon )

 Maintain a support system 

 As a wife of a person with general anxiety disorder you cannot do it alone, you will need some help. It doesn't matter where the help is coming from whether from a family, friend or a support group as long as you are getting some support. These are the people that you are going to count on to assist you emotionally, mentally or even financially in ways your husband cannot provide you because of the disorder. The internet is one great place to start with when searching for groups or organizations that provide help to people who have anxiety disorders. You may also contact some experienced therapists or experts near you to be able to personally ask for help.

 Distraction will not work 

 Often wives would distract their husbands in the hope that the anxiety would turn off. Instead ask him what he wants to do and allow him to breathe deeply so he can be calmer and his mood becomes elevated. Never blame your husband for being a nuisance but rather understand that it is not him but the disorder getting the best of your husband.

 Don't judge your husband 

 It is easy to judge your husband when he is having an anxiety attack. If you don't fully understand what is going on it is best to leave the judgment and replace it with unconditional understanding. Understand what is going on and soon enough you will find consolation that you are not on his shoes suffering from the disorder.

 Anxiety can destroy people's lives and can drive people towards depression if left untreated. It is best for wives to be extra cautious and never present an aura of danger to the sufferer in the hope that one day the GAD will go away.

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